Compounding these challenges, a major Asian PX facility has been immediately shut down in response to social concerns about its operation. 而在此形势下,一亚洲PX大厂却因操作不当,面临重重社会舆论而迅速停产。
Expounded are details of compounding solution, sampling and titration operation to accord with precision requirements in national standards. 着重从溶液配制、取样、滴定操作三方面的细节入手,对气样中硫化氢含量分析进行相应阐述。
The paper introduced the nuclear weighing used in compounding process of chromate production, including its structure, technical parameters, working principle, system characters as well as the operation result. 介绍了核子秤的组成及主要技术参数,工作原理及系统性能以及其在铬盐生产配料工序的应用效果。
Through experiments and compounding production to change technological operation and notably improve the rotational rate of lactic acid. 通过实验,结合生产,改变工艺操作,显著提高乳酸转化率。
Objective: To observe the clinical effects of using epidural block compounding with general anesthesia under endotracheal intubation on radical operation of esophageal cancer; 目的:观察硬膜外腔阻滞复合气管插管全麻用于食道癌根治手术的临床效果;
As a compounding ecological system with "social, economy and environment", county needs metabolism to maintain normal operation. 县域作为一个社会一经济一环境复合生态系统,需要进行新陈代谢以维持自身系统的正常运行。